
"Look back at our struggle for freedom,

Trace our present day's strength to it's source;

And you'll find that man's pathway to glory

Is strewn with the bones of the horse."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Level 4/5 play

Today was Really fun, with Blaze.
I started out on Getting him to jump 1 barrel at the end of the 22 foot line, cause I haven't done much jumping in a while, and he has been going around the barrel when I do ask, so I played with the for a few minutes, and she was Great! started jumping every time I asked him. then I switched to the 45 foot line and Blaze did flying lead changes on a figure 8! which was cool.

and after that I taught Blaze to Trot sideways toward me, and that went very well! he was Great! and we ran around the pasture doing all types of stuff, just playing around with everything.

after that I got Blaze to lay down, and Played extreme Friendly game, and got him to lay all the way down on his side and I stood on him and did Extreme friendly game. and after that he got up and sat! he has never afford to do that so it was cool, and he sat all the way up, finally. before his feet were far out in front, and now the are straight, so I gave him a few treats, and played extreme friendly game, and he didn't get up, and I mounted him while he was sitting! YES another Goal checked :)

so I ended it at that

Then later on I came back and I couldn't resist I played again, and I played with Transitions on line, and he was GREAT! all Low phase 1 and 2, he is really started to Naturally collect him self too! very neat stuff, he is also started to use his HQs, after that we did more UDT and I gave him a bath, well more like just washed him off with the water hose, lol

Tomorrow I'm Gonna play with Flying changes, cause I figured out a few things I was doing wrong, and I'm going to correct them tomorrow and see if it works, I post on how it goes

But until then
Good Night!

Hannah & Blaze

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