
"Look back at our struggle for freedom,

Trace our present day's strength to it's source;

And you'll find that man's pathway to glory

Is strewn with the bones of the horse."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Parelli Camp!

Yay!! Camp starts Monday. but I might be going tomorrow. today was busy!! I had tons of things to do. like.....go get the horse trailer. buy a helmet. buy horse treats. buy fly spray. buy hay. give blaze a bath (tomorrow) brush him. trim his hoofs which I did tonight and cut my finger bad ouchy!! but I can't wait. I won't be staying over night because 1 I've never been away from home at someones house (over night) i still have horses to feed at home. but Jennifer lives only 12 miles away. so my dad will be bringing me in the morning, it's 5 days long. and I'm excited about being Jennifer's assistant for the week. and I'll take lots of photos. there are 4 other girls going. and I can't wait to play on Jennifer's AWESOME Play ground. I LOVED it last time. and the huge arena! woohoo I can't wait. well I'll try and keep everyone posted.. I need to get some sleep!! night night all have a great week!

until next time

Keep it Natural
